Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Sense of touch - life charger

Still not finished

How our sense of touch fulfill our life?
Everyone thinks sense of vision, hearing, taste, is more important but the touch and feel is very important to keep us stabilized, psychologically and mentally. We are very lonely creatures, and we do need companionship. We can see in all aspects of society that all individuals whose work requires secrecy
We need bonding, touching, to be able to hold, caress. The skin contact is important. To have a spouse, children, family, friends is important as you have individuals that you can be close to, bond with. Shaking hands, hugging, caressing are all important that give you fulfillment of having

Being able to feel another individual against you gives you a sexual and a mental fulfillment. For people that are alone and have no one is where this is most felt. A widowed father can find solece by hugging his children or grand kids. The joy that might be of few minutes acts like a charge that will last for many days. Our batteries as you may call it charge at sleeping everyday. But our sense of touch charges us for much longer. Without that touch sense we feel this gap of fulfilling.

Many individuals that are lonely and live alone feel that void in life. They may have everything but yet their is that emptiness. That warmth of another body charges you and your soul constantly. A child wants to constantly hug its mother or father, that may be more to feel protected, put parents need that also to feel that they have a purpose, and constant touch keeps adding to their joy. They are needed adds purpose to ones life.

Life as nature meant it has only one purpose to mate and reproduce, everything that comes in between is added so we don't deviate from natures plan. Desire, need, love make sure that we loose our control and regardless of our mind trying to control, our desire will get the best of us. Our senses help us in survival and desires. The touch sense and desire and need to feel a body next to yours and get charged is a natures way of keeping us on its course and purpose. Our body needs charging and then their is this desire that needs charging regularly.  Our sense of touch, with our ability to love fulfills that.
When we are children our parents keep us charged, but when we become adult we need to find that charging outside and that leads to mating and results in reproduction, and untill we have our own children to charge us by touching and caressing
For the ones that are lacking this charging it causes mental stress. We are lonely, or I say we are not charged. How can you perform when you have not been charged. Body and needs both need charging. This is our need that is part of us. We have understood that from beginning that's why marriage, a communion of 2 individuals was formed. Reproducing is our purpose in life, desire in us make sure that we don't deviate from natures purpose, sense of touch and feel is our way of fulfilling our desire. The sense of touch is not for individual survival but that with desire for sex is for the survival of our species.

Pets fill that void in life of touch caress. They are very friendly and keep touching licking you, that charges you......To be completed 

Lonely people on train may want to just feel your skin....To be completed